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Vel’olthoz ♛NICKNAMES♛ Some had called him Vel, since his actual “name” was too difficult to pronounce ♛SPECIES♛ Converted Voidborn ♛ALIGNMENT♛ Most likely Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Evil, maybe even nearing Chaotic Evil. Falls nowhere along the lines of any sort of good. ♛DEITY♛ He is the God. |
Mesomorph; Extremely well built, masculine body. ♛COMPLEXION♛ Skin is a shade of purple that is a bit on the lighter side. It appears to be smooth, yet tough at the same time. At certain angles, it seems to be slightly translucent. ♛EYES♛ A solid, bright royal purple and no pupils or irises. They have a strange glow to them. ♛HAIR♛ His “hair” flows straight from the helm that adorns his head; it’s a type of amethyst fire that flickers and roars depending on what his mood is. ♛SCARS♛ There is not a blemish in sight. |
TBA. ♛PERSONALITY♛ For such a powerful being, he seems to have leeway when it comes down to how he handles other people. He acts and talks with a very noticeable amount of eccentricity. Strange for a powerful tyrannical being. A first impression may be that he doesn’t take things seriously in the slightest; because he believes every problem he has is minor and can be taken care of easily. If he is faced with something irritating or a situation that may be beyond his control, he gets irritable and will try to get a hold of the situation as soon as he can. One thing is for certain… He will NEVER admit defeat. His power will always be greater, in his mind. ♛MANNERISMS♛ Tapping his helm, mask, or other objects, Makes subtle gestures with hands when speaking, Voice tends to raise when angry or irritated ♛LIKES♛ A good thrill, Weak humans, Being in control, Feeling powerful, When a good plan comes together ♛DISLIKES♛ Stupid people, Even stupider questions, Being interrupted |